(see in R notebook)

mhealth named list stores constants in a hierarchical structure. You can run str(mhealth) to display them compactly.


Use mhealth$filetype sub list to query available file types which are often required for other mhealth functions.

List of 8
 $ sensor    : chr "sensor"
 $ annotation: chr "annotation"
 $ event     : chr "event"
 $ feature   : chr "feature"
 $ log       : chr "log"
 $ note      : chr "note"
 $ class     : chr "class"
 $ stat      : chr "stat"

As an example,

# validate sensor file
mhealth.validate(filename, mhealth$filetype$sensor)


Use mhealth$format sub list to query datetime and other format for mhealth specification.

List of 2
 $ filename:List of 1
  ..$ TIMESTAMP: chr "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%OS"
 $ csv     :List of 1
  ..$ TIMESTAMP: chr "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS"


Use mhealth$example sub list to examples of filenames or csv files for mhealth specification.

Examples of filename (mhealth$example$filename)

List of 4
 $ sensor    : chr "SensorType-DataType.SENSORID-DATATYPE-VERSIONCODE.YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss-SSS-[M/P]HHmm.sensor.csv(.gz)"
 $ feature   : chr "FeatureType.FEATUREID-VERSIONCODE.YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss-SSS-[M/P]HHmm.feature.csv[.gz]"
 $ event     : chr "SensorType-EventType.SENSORID-EVENTTYPE-VERSIONCODE.YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss-SSS-[M/P]HHmm.event.csv"
 $ annotation: chr "AnnotationSet.ANNOTATIONSETID-ANNOTATORID-VERSIONCODE.YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss-SSS-[M/P]HHmm.annotation.csv"

Examples of csv format (not available)